(601) 969-1000 info@bijackson.com
Cutting-Edge Fern Chair’s Looks and Technology Let You Sit Well—and Work Well

Cutting-Edge Fern Chair’s Looks and Technology Let You Sit Well—and Work Well

WIRED Magazine says, “The Fern, like most of Haworth’s seating solutions, is a devilishly handsome device…” and we at Business Interiors could not agree more. But beyond mere cutting-edge looks, the Fern Chair accommodates the diverse working population with new levels of all-day comfort, regardless of size, posture, or work mode. Research-driven, Fern’s ergonomic innovations provide total back support and respond to your every movement.

The Fern Chair’s Wave Suspension™ system is the heart of the chair and the key to its back comfort and flexibility. From all appearances, the back looks simple. But inside is a high level of science, engineering, and innovation that enables Fern to work with you, not against you.

With Fern, more comfort means less distraction. As you move or change posture, Fern works with you, not against you, so you can stay focused on the tasks at hand. With no hard outer frame, Fern has a soft and pliable edge that won’t jar you or limit your movement.

Business Interiors in Ridgeland, MS, offers dozens of design and feature options for this fantastic Fern Chair, customizing your order for your needs and aesthethic. Ready to talk about it?  Contact Business Interiors for a consultation.







